Sunday, February 5, 2012

T bar, Adelaide Central Market

Merkel and Myrtle return to the Tbar at the Adelaide Central Market recently. The chocolate was a bit weak. It was served in glass which was hot for the fingertips with a sprinkle of chocolate powder on top. Unlike the Tbar at Adelaide Central Plaza on Rundle mall, there was no froth decoration on top. The cost was $3.40 but this included a pink and a white marshmallow.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Gourment Glazed

Gourmet Glazed is a donut shop in City Cross arcade but also does an iced chocolate which caught Merkel's eye on a hot day. The iced Chocciata came in a plastic container. Their was plenty of crushed ice in this drink. It was reasonably chocolaty to start with but by the end the drink was weak and watery. It was a cool drink on a hot day and cost $5.90.